Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad's Writings
Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad has written dozens of books dealing with various branches of Islamic knowledge. Noteworthy in this collection is the emphasis given to spiritual aspects of a believer's development.
- Urdu Publications
The majority of Shaykh Zulfiqar's writings are initially written in Urdu, some of which are then translated. Some of these texts are now available for online viewing at this link. To purchase Shaykh Zulfiqar's Urdu books online visit Faqir Publications
- Arabic Translations
Some of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad's writings have been translated in Arabic language. Click here to download or read online using a PDF reader.
- Hindi Translations
One of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad's writings has been translated in Hindi language. Click here to download or read online.
ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS: Following are the english translations of excerpts or complete texts of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad's writings.
- Love for Allah
Love for Allah is the English edition of the Shaykh's famous book, "Ishq Ilahi". The book discusses basic principles of our love for Allahbased on the Quran, Sunnah, and the noble tradition of our great scholars. Of note are the dozens of poems translated from Arabic and Urdu, which highlight the concepts discussed. To purchase the book "Love for Allah" online visit Faqir Publications
- Love for the Prophet
Love for the Prophetis a humble attempt at an English translation of the shaykh’s famed book “Ishq Rasul
.” The shaykh emphasizes the importance for us as a nation in loving the beloved Messenger of Allah
, and provides vivid and powerful examples of love from the lives of the Noble Companions to great traditional scholars from our glorious past. The shaykh highlights that our expression of love must not be mere lip service, but should resound from our entire being as we strive to follow his beautiful example in every phase of our life.
- Wisdom for the Seeker
Wisdom for the Seeker is a series of correspondences between Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi and some of his many students around the world. Each letter conveys not only words of advice and guidance, but serves as a simple reminder of the teachings of the Quran and the example [sunnah] of the Prophet. The letters are interwoven with examples from the life of the final Messenger
, the Noble Companions, and those who followed their path. The current volume (volume I) is a selection of twenty-four letters from the original work. To purchase the book "Wisdom for the Seeker" online visit Faqir Publications
- The Sermons
The sermons is a collection of discourses [khutabat] covering various topics essesntial to the development of a striving believer. Collected from talks given all over the Muslim world, these short pieces cross the barriers of culture and place by covering topics fundamental to any one who submits to their Lord.
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