Tasawwuf - The Islamic Science of Spirituality (Sufism) - Tasawwuf

Love for Allah
Written by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)

Love for Allah is the English edition of the Shaykh's famous book, "Ishq Ilahi." The book discusses basic principles of our love for Allah based on the Quran, Sunnah, and the noble tradition of our great scholars. Of note are the dozens of poems translated from Arabic and Urdu, which highlight the concepts discussed.

To purchase this book or the actual Urdu book "Ishq-e-Ilahi", please visit Faqir Publications Opens in a new window. To view or download PDF Love for Allah - Online Book (PDF) versions of sections of this book, click on the links below.
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Tasawwuf - The Islamic Science of Spirituality (Sufism)

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