Wisdom for the Seeker: Letters of Advice
by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)
Wisdom for the Seeker is a series of correspondences between Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad and some of his many students around the world. Each letter conveys not only words of advice and guidance, but serves as a simple reminder of the teachings of the Quran and the example [sunnah] of the Prophet . The letters are interwoven with examples from the life of the final Messenger, the Noble Companions, and those who followed their path. The current volume (volume I) is a selection of twenty-four letters from the original work.
To purchase a copy of this text, visit www.faqirpublications.com. You can download the complete text (Wisdom for the Seeker 2013 reprint) and view the list of letters below:
- Letter One - Concerning Knowledge, Humility, and Action
- Letter Two - Concerning the Dhikr of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Tariqah
- Letter Three - Concerning Abstinence
- Letter Four - Concerning Spiritual Connection
- Letter Five - Concerning the Enemy Within
- Letter Six - Concerning Islamic Law [Shariah] and the Heart
- Letter Seven - Concerning Goodwill
- Letter Eight - Concerning the Spiritual Guide [Shaykh]
- Letter Nine - Concerning Reminding Others
- Letter Ten - Concerning Pleasing Others
- Letter Eleven - Concerning Serving Others
- Letter Twelve - Concerning Varying Spiritual States
- Letter Thirteen - Concerning True Wealth and Power
- Letter Fourteen - Concerning Benefits of a Companion
- Letter Fifteen -
Concerning Adherence to the Way [Sunnah] of the Prophet
- Letter Sixteen - Concerning Loaned Goods
- Letter Seventeen - Concerning Good Deeds
- Letter Eighteen - Concerning Ten Signs of Good Etiquette
- Letter Nineteen - Concerning Work
- Letter Twenty - Concerning Working Hard
- Letter Twenty-One - Concerning True Hearts
- Letter Twenty-Two - Concerning Being Open and Honest
- Letter Twenty-Three - Concerning the Early Morning
- Letter Twenty-Four - Concerning Ill Will
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